📐IFC Model viewer
Save and load IFC model in any Bricks projects
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Save and load IFC model in any Bricks projects
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IFC is the standard to exchange BIM models between teams in an open way. So no matter if some of you use Revit, other Archicad or Vector Works. As long as you use IFC, you can export the geometry of your model in IFC
We are very happy to integrate the IFC viewer developed by IFC.js community. Thanks to the community development, progress is quite fast, and we are more than happy to use open source software instead of a closed source software like the Autodesk forge viewer. We do believe that open source will definitely change the way we work on new technologies in AEC and accelerate the development as it happened in many other fields like in IT. By the way, if you are interested in learning more about open source and agile, we recently organized an online meetup about Speckle and IFC.js, 2 game changer open-source software for AEC industry.
Sharing IFC models on a regular basis is quite important to put all the teams in sync and communicate on progress often. It is part of the agile approaches to make demo frequently, show the progress and collect feedbacks.
With the IFC model, you can do just that. And put all the teams on the same level, even if some don't use your BIM software or don't have a licence, as it is the case for most project owners! You can allow them to react to your design. And the sooner, the better!
In Bricks, you have the combination of a powerful project management tools, like a Gantt like planning, a kanban board, sprint management and at the same time a visualization of the topics in the 3D models thanks to the IFC viewer.
The more you explain the topics to be solved in context, that is, in the context of the 3D of the building, the better chance you have that your team members will understand what it is all about and how to go forward on each topic.
So we really encourage you to share IFC models often and to identify the topics you want to talk about in the 3D of the IFC models
BCF files imported with our BCF import feature are connected to the IFC model. So if you defined a viewpoint in another BCF compatible software, you can show it again in the Bricks IFC viewer.
The only point you need to have in mind is that you need to import, along with the BCF, the same IFC file that you used to produced it. Or a derivate but sharing the same geometry and positioning in the 3D space.
✅ Upload IFC files
✅ View model directly in the browser
✅ Download the 3D model as IFC file
✅ See file in full-screen
✅ Load multiple files at the same time
✅ Create a topic directly from the 3D model
✅ Restore the 3D view from a topic created from Bricks BIM viewer
✅Integration of the viewpoint from imported BCF files
✅Take a screenshot of the model
Load big IFC files (> 100MB)
Updating the version of an IFC file
Associate a file to a stage or sprint (sprint or stages deliverables)
Cutting planes to better see inside a complex model
Filtering of the geometry depending on the IFC family, storey...
Make measurement on the geometry
Sometimes compatibility issues can happen, as IFC is not a hard science yet! So to better identify if the problem come from the file or from Bricks, please use these test IFC files to double-check.
If you definitely can't upload the files you are interested on, please contact-us with the internal chat, so we can double-check with you and try to help you.